Helen B. Walden Hexadecimal Library
This library of color has been created to honor the life of Helen B. Walden, the first African American woman to become branch manager of a public library in the city of Greensboro, NC.
She is credited with having initiated community outreach programs and tutorial services for students; while extending films and books to senior citizens, and increasing membership in various reading programs and book review forums. When she retired after 29 years of service, she was recognized by both the city of Greensboro as well as the state — being named an Honorary Lt. Governor by the state of North Carolina. She believed everyone deserved to be treated with dignity regardless of their title or lot in life. Helen B. Walden, I’m beyond proud to say, was also my grandma. She spoke with courage and always led by example.
The colors below were gathered from photos I'd either captured while with her, or found while going through images taken of her throughout her lifetime. They’re assembled here as a color resource for anyone looking to kickstart a creative project, or, to simply serve as a form of color inspiration. Check them out. See what I did there? I think she would have enjoyed seeing this project come to life. I hope they help you make something great +